Marama Meksikana Elegante
Ova marama prodata je na Međunarodnom sajmu rukotvorina u Meksiko Sitiju pre nekoliko godina, gde je izlagana sa još nekoliko modela, koje možete pogledati u objavi Marame za Meksiko. Otuda i naziv cele kolekcije – Meksikana.

Meksikana Elegante i dalje je popularna, i neke ženice pitale su me za uputstvo. Zbog toga sam odlučila da napišem ovu objavu i uputstvo za pletenje i heklanje, jer je ovaj komad kombinacija te dve tehnike.
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Marama Meksikana Elegante urađena je dvema tehnikama – pletenjem i heklanjem.
Pisano PDF uputstvo na engleskom sadrži detaljan opis izrade ove marame, kao i precizne informacije o utrošku materijala, veličini gotove marame, terminima i skraćenicama korišćenim u tutorijalu.
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Meksikana Elegante Pisano Uputstvo
Detaljan opis rada
Precizne informacije o materijalu i dimenzijama
On-lajn podrška za sve nedoumice i pomoć pri pletenju/heklanju
Marama je, dakle, urađena kombinacijom pletenja i heklanja. Za obe tehnike potrebno je da imate srednji stepen veštine. Gornji deo marame se plete na 2 igle, a rebrastu strukturu daju dva osnovna boda – glat bod i kovrdžavi bod. Donji, rupičasti deo marame urađen je tehnikom heklanja. Bodovi su visoki stubići, dvostruki visoki stubići, i lančići sa niskim stubićima za izradu mreže.
- Oko 200 gr belog prediva za igle br. 3-4 mm
- Igle za pletenje debljine 4 mm
- Heklica br. 4
- 2 markera
Veličina može varirati zavisno od prediva i Vašeg načina pletenja, odnosno, da li pletete/heklate labavo ili više zatežete.
Dimenzije marame su približno sledeće:
Visina 64 cm
Dužina gornje ivice 130 cm
Maramu možete poručiti po ceni od 4.500 din

Ako kupite 3 uputstva zajedno, dobićete sva tri za samo 5.95 EUR. Dole su PDF uputstva uključena u popust.
You say that the instructions are free but I am unable to get to the pattern without paying for it. I think I will pass on that.
Dear Elizabeth,
Thanks for the reply and your interest in this shawl.
I’m afraid I didn’t write that this pattern was offered for free. Could you, please, let me know where you came across this information. The pattern is a payable one, and can be downloaded on Ravelry and Love Crafts for 4.00 EUR.
On the PATTERN A: Stockinette Stitch instructions – Row 1 appears to be missing and starts with Row 2?
Hi, Linda! Thank you very much. I wrote the Stockinette Stitch from 2. row on purpose so that people don’t get confused with the initial 1. row of the shawl which is different than the other, later first-row repeats of the Stockinette Stitch. But I guess I caused more confusion instead 🙂 Do you have a suggestion? Maybe for the starting row of the shawl I could write „foundation row“ instead of Row 1? And then to change numbers in stockinette – Rows 1 and 2 instead of Rows 2 and 3. How does that sound? It would probably be more clear. I hope I haven’t caused even more bewilderness with this comment, haha! 😀
Thank you for the free pattern. This is a beautiful shawl, and after reading through the pattern I see a question that is very unclear. Under the knitting instructions, Pattern A, you give directions for rows 1, 2, 3, and then you skip row 4, and give directions for rows 5-10. Could you explain what to do in row 4?
Dear Brenda,
Thank you so much for your kind words and especially for noticing the mistakes in the pattern. I have corrected the 2 mistakes I had in both stockinette and garter stitch patterns. Please, write in the comments if you spot any other errors in the instructions. I truly appreciate the effort and it makes me very happy to receive every kind of feedback. I’m so happy you liked the shawl! 🙂
Wishing you lots of joy in making this piece!
I forgot to say that in the stockinette stitch pattern the repeat should be from rows 4 to 10, not from 5 to 10. Also, I found a mistake in the garter stitch pattern, so, please, take a look at the corrected pattern.