Heklani Ogrtač Duga

Ogrtač Duga


Ogrtač prelepih duginih boja za kasno proleće i leto. Ogrtač ima otvore za ruke, može se nositi otvoren, zakačiti brošem ili vezati kaišem. Bogata caknasta ivica još više doprinosi njegovom kitnjastom izgledu




4.700 din.


Ovaj ogrtač nije moj dizajn, fotografije i šeme pronašla sam na internetu, ali nemam tačan izvor.

Ogrtač se počinje iz centra prema datoj šemi, a u redu 22 treba ostaviti otvore za ruke. 

Na šemi otvori za ruke označeni su strelicama i rečju Armsgat u 22. redu. U datom redu na mestima koje pokazuju strelice treba uraditi po 1 niski stubić, a između strelica po 35 petlji lančića za svaki otvor. U narednom redu nastavite onako kako pokazuje šema nad svim petljama kao i nad lančićima od 35 petlji.

Ukoliko koristite deblje predivo, otvore za ruke uradite pre 22. reda, a ako heklate tanjim predivom, otvore smestite u neki red kasnije nego što to predviđa šema. Premerite isheklani komad na sebi da biste tačno odredili mesto na kome treba da budu otvori za ruke.

Pretplatite se na naš Bilten

Voleli bismo da vas obaveštavamo o našim najnovijim vestima i ponudama.

Ово поље је обавезно.

Mi ne šaljemo neželjenu poštu! Možete se odjaviti u bilo kom trenutku.


    1. Thanks for the correction. I’m sure that the armpit can be started several rounds before or after the original instructions, depending on the yarn and hook that we’re using, as well as each individual tension. The best thing is to measure the piece directly onto the person who is going to wear it.
      However, I really appreciate the constructive comment, it will definitely mean a lot to all crocheters. 🙂

      1. Benia

        The pattern comes from Mała Diana Na Szydełku
        Nr5 2010
        It’s a Polish crochet magazine that doesn’t exist anymore. I had it but unfortunately can’t find it. I’m glad that my cellphone was able to matched the picture on your website and find it for me. The copy I found was very difficult to read. I was looking at it and look at my previous vest that I made to get it right. OMGsh I’m so glad that you have it on your blog. Thank you

        1. Hi Benia!
          I’m really happy that this post helped you and that you can now make this lovely piece. I must say I also enjoyed crocheting it, and would love to repeat it again some day. Thank you for the nice comment and good luck with this great wrap! 🙂

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