Crochet Diamond Dream Duster

Crochet Diamond Dream Duster

Explore the Allure of Spring with Radiant Cheer of Granny Squares in Your New Favorite Coat


Crochet Diamond Dream Duster is a rustic retro wrap, made from fine acrylic yarn, in playful granny square motifs. This coat is perfect for combining with casual clothes in chilly spring/autumn days. It consists of square motifs in 3 sizes, assembled with a mesh pattern.

  • On the back side is a large, diagonally placed square motif in the shape of a diamond, which elegantly frames the figure.
  • On the sleeves are medium size granny square motifs whose slant sides give the coat a unique look.
  • At the front and along bottom edge of the duster stretch the smallest size colorful motifs, which make up a harmonious ensemble with its radiance of colors.
  • All motifs are joined in a nice mesh of the same color, while the bottom border of the duster is  aligned with pompom balls.




100.00 EUR

Crochet Diamond Dream Duster – White

Crochet Diamond Dream Duster – Black

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